Monthly Archives: March 2018

The Little Things

When he takes his shoes off and place them neatly on the steps… When he’s thirsty, goes to the refrigerator grabs the apple juice then a cup from the dish rack and brings it to me to pour… When he hears the bath water running and immediately starts to undress himself to get inside the tub… When he’s too wet for his comfort and takes his pants off so that I can change him (we’re working on him staying seated on the toilet…it’s harder than most may think)… When he knows it’s time to go so he grabs his coat for me to put it on… When he pushes the stool the to refrigerator, stands on it to reach for the lucky charms cereal because he just has to eat all of the marshmallows… When he knows he is wrong for playing with the strings on the bedroom ceiling fans, sees me then immediately get down then tries to hug me so he won’t get in trouble… When after eating he puts his trash and everybody else’s trash in the trash can.

It’s those small things and then some that just fills my heart.

More and more he’s learning and grasping new things…though he isn’t speaking just yet I still remain hopeful that one day I’ll hear him call for me or at least tell Kaisen to “stop” when Kaisen picks with him.

Kids are a blessing even when people see them as different and even when you as their parent have to face the fact that “yeah he is different” but he’s mine and he’s a beautiful little person.